Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Grammy's

I heard & saw something I haven't heard or seen in years at the Grammy's- actual music! People dressed nicely, who enunciated, used multiple syllables & weren't drunk, who sang without computer assistance, utilized actual instruments, brought multiple genres and kept the rap to a modest minimum. Not nearly minimum enough however but hey its about what sells right? One downside- Kanye won something proving talent is still not a requirement. Bonus- Amy Winehouse and her backup guys- Was that The Time?


Anonymous said...

ok so I made the post then found out the Time actually performed early in the show which I didnt see. Weird.


Anonymous said...

Wow, John, I can't believe you are blogging. You are quite the blogging family over there in Gilbert.

Anonymous said...

yes I am a freak. :) Who is SIL 2? Nancy?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't factoring your other half's family when I put SIL 2...I guess I am SIL 3, Nancy would be SIL 4, right?

Speaking of Nancy and Warren, your link to their site is defunct.

Lono of Denver said...

was that the Time backing her up? no. small matter of physics. See, the Time opened the show in Los Angeles. Amy played from London. I understand that all black folks look alike to you, but wasn't that an AMAZING performance?

I am a new fan of Amy Winehouse and have the CD. She absolutely killed on that performance. that is something when you consider she was only two days out of rehab and her husband/muse is still in jail.

I DVRd the performance and play it often on my home theater. Plus, for a totally crazy limey chick... she is HOT!

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